Activity Organizer Responsibilities

If you volunteer to organize a new activity or sport, please understand your responsibilities as a leader of this group.

  1. Find a location for your activity. We may be able to assist you, but some ideas are below.
  2. Maintain contact with ALL who have indicated an interest in joining the group.
  3. Keep participants informed of dates, times and locations of activities, especially when there are changes to the established schedule.
  4. Make safety a priority!


  • Cummings Park on Grove St.
  • Tully Town Hall recreation fields on Meetinghouse Rd.
  • Tully Free Library community room, 12 State St., Tully
    • a small fee may be charged for regular use
  • Tully United Community Church, Meetinghouse Rd., Tully
    • classrooms, Fellowship Hall
    • a small fee may be charged for regular use